Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday Thanks; Now With Puppets!

We live in such a crazy world, and I live such a crazy life. It's easy to get swept up, to let your exhaustion make you bitter or your righteous bitterness make you exhausted. I have probably allowed myself to succumb this week, more than I should. More than anyone should, arguably. But I promised myself a long time ago that I was devoted to living a life in which I followed only peace, passion, and love, and for that reason, even in crappy weeks, I bring you weekly reminders that there are always things to be grateful for. This week I am grateful for:

*Getting to hear Avenue Q songs at work for the next few months (hence the puppets...)*

*Meeting friends of friends...who turn out to be awesome*

*Pay-what-you-can nights of theatre*

*My friends Anne and Ginger, who I know are here for me no matter how far apart we all choose to live*

*Friends who let me whine non-stop on days I'm not feeling so peaceful*

*Dating; even when it doesn't go so smoothly, it's really nice to get out there*

*Birthday gifts-TO MYSELF. Thanks me! I always know exactly what I like, too. So I am thanking myself specifically for an unnecessary but awesome new batch of DVDs, necessary but adorable computer and camera bags, and my upcoming trip to Chicago with three of my favorite people*

*Which leads into this: having friends who I can say 'Hey let's go on a trip with less than a week's notice' to which they respond 'Hell yeah!'*

*Supporters of Gadfly*

*AND knowing that the first three hours of our next auditions are booked solid*

*How much better I feel as a photographer when I make myself take pictures every day, even if it's seemingly of nothing*

*RuPaul's Drag Race and Pretty Little Liars...because everybody needs some ridiculous, GLBT friendly-but still not good escapism now and again*

*Pretzels. Nom. And still healthy!*

*The hilarious and ridiculous things that I overhear Minnesotans say to each other*

*Giant cans of Trader Joe's organic, fair-trade coffee that cost less than a normal canister*

*Good plays. I tell ya, you read enough bad ones, the Eve Enslers and Steven Karams of the world look even better!*

*The vampire wearing a Hanson shirt during Buffy season 6. It just made me laugh*

*The Sassy Gay Friend. He also just makes me laugh; but that's important!*

*International Women's Day and Month. What a wonderful celebration of simultaneous strength and feminity*

That's me for the week! If you have a moment, take stock of your life and really breathe in the things you are most thankful for; whether it's silly t.v., someone you love, or anything in between!

Peace, passion, and love.

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