Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Gadfly Manifesto, Website, and (Soon) More!

La Casa de Gadfly has been hard-at-work the past couple of days; in addition to gearing up for Suburban Redux auditions and getting some preliminary PR done, I asked my friend Alex Franzen-copywriter extraordinaire, to help me hammer out a new mission statement in exchange for a pretty spot-on tarot reading I'd given her a while back. She went above and beyond the call and managed to make a whole new manifesto out of my scattered, discombobulated thoughts, hopes, and passions. I thought she did a sensational job, so I unveiled it on our brand spank new website (found here!) and published THAT, and now am here writing about both on my personal blog! We've also picked part of the manifesto as our slogan:

There are no small voices, only small minds.

Your interest is now piqued, yes? Well, I suppose I can share the entire manifesto with you now:

We shout the unspeakable + present the unpopular ...
The Queer. The Querulous. The uncomfortable Questions.

We pair ancient texts with rising talents,
And aspiring creatives with established icons.

There are no small roles, only small actors.
There are no small voices, only small minds.

We're building a playground for
the Obscure,
the Oppressed,
and the unapologetically Original.

Bring your best. Do your worst.
Create a catastrophe. Make it cathartic.

We invite you to be Dangerous, onstage & off,
To share your story, as only you can,
With liberty and justice for arts.

So there you go, my darling fans of Gadfly, myself, and art in general. New website and manifesto to take in whilst my business partner decides who the very best cast would be for Suburban Redux. (Believe me, I'm every bit as on edge as you are).

Hope you all spent the weekend following your peace, passion, and love.

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