Thursday, July 7, 2011

Something Different This Thursday: A Call to Action

I have spent the past week with my amazing family, eating wonderful food, working on passion projects, playing with puppies, and answering calls, texts, and IM's from the truest of friends. I have a lot to be grateful for, more than I could ever put into a single post. So I'm not going to try.

The life I have, the things I love, I've cultivated myself. Including my little but lovely blog following. So this Thursday, I beg my readers to do me a favor: turn your life into one of gratitude.

How do you live graciously and joyously, and still get things done?


Look at the people in your life. Look at your daily activities. Look at your to-do list, in your refrigerator, in your storage closet, in your living room.

Do the bulk of things/people/activities that you see challenge you? Do they inspire you? Do they make you feel good about yourself?

If you said no, you know what I'm going to say. PURGE, PURGE, PURGE. Once and for all. Do not half heartedly read this and think "Oh, gee, I should really follow her advice one day." That day is here. The time is now. Obviously, some things can not be avoided. It's a bad time to quit a dead end job, and yes, you probably really do need to scrub your toilets once a month. Still, I firmly believe that you control more of your life than you don't and there are tons of things you are doing, people you are hanging out with, and stuff you own that is just dead weight.

You should only be in a dead end job if you are actively looking for a better one, saving for a trip to Europe, or doing something else on the side. Scrubbing your toilets DOES come with a proud sense of "I just cleaned MY place. MINE.I'm a grown up!" But there's more, plenty more, and baby? Less is the new more. Get rid of the dead weight. Right. Now.

But that's not all. Purging doesn't automatically provide you a life of joy and gratitude or of peace, passion, and love. Now it's time to take stock. Regularly, and in depth. What's left? A closeknit posse who would come visit you in the hospital? Your complete works of your favorite writer (which can now be seen without digging through the piles of bad pop fiction)? Reduced time in bars that bore you which lead to more time to write/watch foreign film/just sit with your favorite person? Good. Realize how lucky you are to be left with so much that is worthwhile and fulfilling. Be grateful, and enjoy it...

And take it into the world. Inspire peace. Evoke passion. Just. Plain. Love.

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