Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking Time for Yourself 101

I write a lot about taking time for yourself, something I've had to train myself to do. One of the best ways to get used to "you time" is making sure that you have a morning and an evening health and hygiene routine, regardless of what's going on in your life that day. I am not a morning person at all, so my nighttime routine is even more important as I tend to skimp on hectic mornings. Once I know I'm settled for the night there's a set of things I do. I condition my hair, I wash my face, I drink green tea and then brush my teeth. I take any vitamin supplements that I feel I need for the day (it changes based on what I ate. I only use the Omega 3 supplement if I don't feel I had enough healthy fat, only take the multi-vitamin if I barely had food, etc.)Do what you need to do to feel beautiful and (more importantly) healthy the next morning. Some evening yoga/stretching/meditation never hurts either. Sometimes I stay up for hours afterwards, sometimes it's the last thing I do. It changes...I recently added moisturizer every other night, sometimes I snack. Sometimes I exfoliate all over.

The important thing when working on your evening regime is that you shouldn't be multi-tasking while you do it (unless 'multi-tasking' means reading for pleasure, or catching up with your favorite show, or noshing on healthy but yummy snacks with your roommate), it should be every night, and the basis of it should be on what makes YOU feel good, healthy, the moment and the next day.

Wishing you each peace, passion, and love.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Suburban Redux Photo Diary

In light of Suburban Redux opening TOMORROW, I am posting some of my favorite shots from the rehearsal and marketing process! Now, note that these are not all meant to be artistic gems...but if they make you laugh or develop a curiosity about the show...well then I am one happy executive director :) Enjoy, and don't forget to check us out at The Lowry Lab in St. Paul starting tomorrow, May 26th at 7:30 P.M. Wishing you each peace, passion, and love.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Opening On Thursday!

So here's the skinny: Gadfly means the world to me. When I think about my future, it is queer art, it is feminist art, it is making a comfortable living doing what I love and it is running Gadfly more or less as we are now-only with a far cushier budget.

Our latest production, Suburban Redux by Andrew Biss, opens on Thursday. It is really important to me, as per usual, that this show succeeds. We have a great cast of local talent that, in true Gadfly fashion, comes from all walks of life and experience levels. We have a director who has been working incredibly hard...and a script that is one of the wittiest works I've read in recent history. The only thing you!

But all of that has the opportunity change on Thursday, May 26th. We open the production then at the Lowry Lab in St. Paul. (350 St. Peter St. to be exact) at 7:30 P.M. Tickets are only $15 a head (and less yet if you come in a group of ten or more, possess a valid student ID, are a senior citizen, or have a Fringe button from 2010), making us one of the cheapest tickets in town for quality work.

This production runs from the 26th through the 5th, Thursday through Sunday. All performances are at 7:30 P.M. except for Sundays; those are 3:00 P.M. matinées.

If $15 is still too much for you then never fear! We feature TWO Pay-What-You-Can Nights! One is on Saturday, May 28th. Yes, you heard right. A SATURDAY PWYC. Pretty thrilling stuff, eh? We also offer a Pay-What-You-Can Opportunity on Thursday, June 2nd.

So other than a killer price tag and strong affection for me why should you come? Primarily because the show itself is truly original and great! Mrs. Pennington-South is bored with her suburban life, so she raises her son Cuthbert under the impression that he's a homosexual., turns out not to be and the results are intriguing, hilarious, and ultimately touching. The script pays respect to the homosexual coming-out experience while spinning it on it's head.

But don't take my word for it! Come see for yourself...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What's My Age Again?

Ah, the midtwenties. It's a strange place we find ourselves in. I really don't feel like a "grown-up" most of the time in spite of being teased for my occasional old lady tendencies. Then I started thinking; maybe being in my midtwenties makes total sense when you consider that nearly all of my quirks and actions are either that of a fifty-five year old or that of a seven year old. That probably roughly evens out to midtwenties. Here are some examples:

Ways I Am Clearly a Grown-Up
(Or 'Common Sense Things I Am Far Too Proud of Myself for Figuring Out')
*My rent, electric bill, phone bill, and internet bill have never once been late.
*I run a company.
*I use coupons and reusable bags at the grocery store.
*My sister is about to have a baby.
*I complain about arthritis and use Bengay.
*I have very, VERY few television shows that I will watch.
*I am an excellent cook, hostess, and pet owner.
*Need. Coffee. Always.
*I have finally learned to take time out for myself when I get sick/overly stressed/it's been awhile.
*Coffee and water rings make me see red.
*I'm jealous of people who can knit.
*I refuse to give in to many technologies. (What is this 'Kindle' you speak of? Is it like a blanket?)
*I really do not like making fun or speaking ill of others, and think it's a sign that you have very little else to talk about.

Ways I Am Clearly Not A Grown-Up
(Or 'Don't Blame Me, It's My Whole Generation')
*I call my mom crying from coffee shops, sometimes for no reason at all.
*I still call my dad for financial advice.
*I sit on Facebook and Twitter for waaaay too long.
*I am never dressed weather appropriately.
*I call my cat things like "pumpkin face" and "muffin butt" more than I use his actual name.
*I am the weird girl on the bus laughing at nothing.
*You don't want to know how infrequently I do laundry.
*My roommate can always make me laugh by talking like a Muppet. I kid you not.
*My friend Sam and I must test the quality of beds by jumping on them every time we're together near an untested mattress.
*Somebody says 'I'm having a party' and I still think 'Oooh, what's the theme? I need a costume!'

Where Do THESE Things Put Me?!
*I buy very thoughtful cards and gifts for people all the time...then forget to/run out of money to send them off.
*My favorite food is juice....sugary and flavorful suggests a child like innocence. Odd pulp and green tint suggests foods are in there that only health freaks would eat.
*Half of my book collection is YA fiction...but the other half boasts Anais Nin and Tolstoy.
*I have a morning and a night time health and hygiene routine. Both of which include 'just in case' time for impromptu dancing.
*I can talk for hours about politics, economics, entrepreneurship, art, culture, history...and Harry Potter, comic books, and the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars.
*I can quote Shakespeare eloquently and accurately. I also do a mean Ron Burgundy impression.

So there you guys. Woman-child in a state of grace. Running a company but not a washing machine. Where do you guys think you stand? A nice even midtwenties? Older? Younger?

Friday, May 20, 2011

As My Friend Andrew Once Said...

"Women can be funny too"

*Disclaimer, this blog is a factual story that happened to me. It is also my first attempt at a humor blog. If it is not funny...well, whoops. All names have been changed on account of me not knowing them*

Tonight at the bus stop, I'm chatting up a very attractive girl that I was getting a vibe from. We're laughing and flirting, she tells me about her ex-fiance who she broke up with because she realized she might like girls, and how now she just wants him to die(it was around here that I started realizing I have a "type", and that "type", is batshit crazy). Still, I've already started flirting and it's hard to just turn it off. So there we are, at Warehouse and Hennepin, me and Crazy McHottie flirting up a storm. Seemingly out of nowhere (possibly the light rail) three middle-aged women came up to us. Maybe middle-aged is generous, but this is Minnesota, and I'm fairly sure that "Minnesota Nice" requires me to refer to all women past age forty-five as "middle-aged", regardless of the number of varicose veins they are proudly rocking.

One of the women softly but firmly interrupts our playful banter to inform us that she felt the calling to speak to us about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As Crazy and I stand there stammering, Veins begins to pull something out of her purse (Bibles? Pamphlets? Knitting supplies?). I never did find out what she was pulling out, because then REALLY out of nowhere, a belligerent, fairly smelly drunk man runs up to them yelling "Are you supposed to be here? Leave them alone!" over and over again. The middle-aged Jesus Warriors scampered off as quick as their walkers would allow them. So now it's me, Crazy, and Drunk Man standing there, I say "thank you" and he says "Naw, girls, you just keep doing what you do" and completely leaves us alone.

Now, obviously, the moment was gone. Whatever spark I shared with this formerly engaged cutie pie who stole my heart using words like "proselytize" fizzled out. Still, I owe my unsaved soul to Drunk Man, and I'd like to thank him for that.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogger's Block...

I've had really bad blogger's block lately! Help! What do you want to hear about? Leave it in the comments. In the meantime, here's a picture I took of St. Paul that looks really weird when Blogger compresses it:

Peace, passion, and love.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Belated Thankful Thursday Post

Good evening kiddos! My life has been a whirlwind of clogged sinus cavities and arthritic whining lately, so I apologize for my tardiness. Now, here I am, bringing you things that (thankfully) brought me some peace, passion, and love this week.

Things That Inspired Peace:

This article from, chronicling citizen response to the upcoming vote in November 2012 hoping to ban gay marriage (via Constitution Amendment).

This song from Cat Stevens. It's so melancholy, but it just makes me feel calm.

Getting to donate things to a silent auction for a theatre I adore and respect the hell out of.

"Minneapolis Hiking" with Sam through the stairwells and 'beaches' of the Mississippi River, because we could.

Getting my latest article posted on Jacks and Jills! (And the content of the article itself).

Things That Evoked Passion:
Actually getting o-u-t (to Lush, specifically) and seeing humans do more than work.

Well-written books! As per usual. This week I finished Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri which was evocative, a little melancholy, and consistently beautiful. I followed it up with Augusten Burrough's Magical Thinking which was hilarious.

Facebook updates from my sister on gay rights issues.

Getting some professional feedback on my Etsy shop.

Things I Just Plain Loved
The movie Easy A. I really didn't know how I'd feel about this movie as an artist or a feminist but I thought it was really freakin' funny. Oscar-fodder, no. But that's more than okay sometimes.

People who announce "You are really, really cute" within seconds of meeting me.

Chillaxin' riverside.

$1 beer. What can I say?

My boss bringing her dog to the box office!

Feeling better!

Actually making it to Suburban Redux rehearsal. I love Gadfly so hard.

How about you guys? What made or broke your week this week? Well, signing off now. Boca burgers are calling. Wishing you each peace, passion, and love. I leave you with some photos chronicling the past couple of weeks:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Under the Weather

Ah yes, Spring. The sun starts shining, the beautiful birds start chirping happily, my cat spends even more time lazing about in front of the window. OH, and my sinus cavities completely fill up and refuse to function normally. Hence the lack of blogging whilst I attempt to cure myself with anti-histamines, aloe vera incense, green tea, and tons of water and (healthy but) spicy food. Back to the blog shortly. Adore you all.

Peace, passion, and love.

(Photo courtesy and copyright of yours truly)

Monday, May 2, 2011

April In Review

Month: April 2011
Home Base: NE Minneapolis
What I Did:
Obtained rights for the an amazing, amazing second Gadfly season, set up my Etsy shop and even sold some photos, saw Jacks and Jills go live, got a little too amped up on Suburban Redux marketing/scaled back for a few weeks/learned a balance, more or less memorized my new tarot deck (give or take a few cards), organized an Alternative Easter fest, sold a lot of Avenue Q tickets, rearranged my apartment, obtained a new bed, was invited to an exclusive tasting party at Noodles and Company (greatest lunch hour at work ever).

Honestly, this was kind of a slow month for me for fun and productivity but I’m (luckily) getting so many hours at Mixed Blood that I haven’t had a ton of time.

Where I went:
Except for a very fun but all too brief trip out to see my friend LB’s farm in Independence, this month wasn’t good at all for travel

Key Hangouts Around Home Base:

SO MANY, new and old. Wilde Roast and Namaste as usual, Lake Calhoun is back on the list now that it’s getting warmer, Pizza Luce, Town Hall Brewery, Spyhouse Coffee Shop, Noodles and Company, The Muddy Pig, Jewel of India.

What I Listened too :
Old school Dresden Dolls, George Harrison’s solo work, New Britney, {title of show} album, Mika, Lykke Li
The T.V. I watched:
Archer, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Weeds, Modern Family. I suppose I should say something about the ending of RuPaul’s Drag Race here since everyone knows how much I love the show, but the ending was anti-climactic and predictable. Yawn.
The Movies I Loved The Most This Month:
I <3 Huckabees, Breakfast on Pluto, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Exit Through the Gift Shop, Stranger than Fiction (again)…and to answer someone’s question from last time-these can be movies that I’ve seen before and just rewatched with vigor this month (often more than once, I get on kicks). Many times they are first views though.
The Theatre I Saw:
[title of show] by Urban Samurai was really the only great thing I got too. I did see a really cute viewing of one of Mixed Blood’s touring show, Minnecanos. I also got my laugh on at Huge Theater, finally.
The Best Thing I Fed Myself:
This iced coffee from Spyhouse made with honey and white chocolate, Vegan Easter treats from my mom, French bread/hummus/strawberry feast on Easter, giant salad I made featuring chickpeas and edamame, anything from Pizza Luce on my cheat days.
Best Books I Read:
Huntress by Malinda Lo! Judith Ortiz Cofer’s Love Story Beginning in Spanish, and I am unashamed to say that I thoroughly enjoyed wrapping my childhood up with Sweet Valley Confidential: Ten Years Later (even if I hate how small the parts of some of my favorite characters were)

Best Websites:
The blogs of the geniuses behind A Softer World, Huffington Post (lots o’ crazy news wandering around), Postsecret, The Vegetarian who Hates Tofu, Gala Darling (ESPECIALLY for her ‘Carousel’ and 'Things I Love Thursday' link roundups)
Favorite New Unnecessary Material Items I acquired:
Oh wow. Um, I got some great new shirts from my friend Jodie, and some books and DVD’s. I think that was about it!

Biggest Challenge of the Month (and how I overcame it):
This was a really trying month were almost anything career related was concerned; I ventured into new territory with my Etsy shop, I had some Gadfly setbacks, and am still barely making ends meet. Literally all I do to overcome these challenges is keep working hard. I am realizing that it’s crucial not to punish yourself by working unrealistically hard or sacrificing self-care (IE HEALTHY food, lots o’ water, and catching some Zzzz’s), but I also don’t let myself backslide and get lazy. I certainly never let myself give up unless a project is clearly not for me.

Best Thing I Did for Myself:
Set up the Etsy store, called in sick to work (yes I was actually sick, but I never do this, and my god I needed too) and slept.

Breakthrough Thoughts:
I’m going to be more honest about my personal life than usual right now. I went through a major self-analysis and realized that I run my romantic relationships like a business. Notice I said A business, and not MY business, because I do run my business with passion, love, and everything that that implies-but still with business sense and common sense. This is great!

What’s less great is that the more romantic aspects of this are missing from my romantic life. I tend to run them like cut and dry business transactions, as if I were a stock broker and not an artist. “I made her lunch and she didn’t call me when I was sick. Strike one.” Alternately, I am also really hard on myself for the same reason. “She bought me dinner AND brought me a coffee to work without asking, I am a worse girlfriend than her.” It’s a tricky line to let real emotions take over without getting walked on or walking on anyone else. Still, I see the wonderful relationships around me and know it can be done. Late April 2011 is when I realized this-we’ll see what I do with it from this point on.

Couldn’t Be Without:
My roommate, my newly arranged apartment, those two sick days that I took. The day or two I actually had off. My sweet, snuggly cat.

Quotes of the Month:
“I’d rather be nine people’s favorite thing than a hundred people’s ninth favorite thing”
{title of show}

Eric: Why are these people all walking?
Manny: Apparently some people do that for exercise.
Eric: Huh.

“Being good is towing the line, being behaved, being quiet, being passive, fitting in, being liked, and being GREAT is being messy, having a belly, speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, fighting for another paradigm, not letting people talk you out of what you know to be true.”
~Eve Ensler

“I need to talk to someone kind and non-judgmental. You used to be good at that, and I’m just going to assume that not much has changed.”
~Anonymous friend from Junior High