Monday, February 28, 2011

February in Review

Hello my little-but-lovely blog audience! February is drawing to a close, and I like to go back to review each month as it happens, make sure I'm really getting the most out of my life. If I'm not, I try to fix it next month! I also just love journaling and keeping track of what I've been up to, in to, and anything in between. So here is my "February in Review" that I crafted myself! Feel free to borrow or straight up steal my form; but you MUST make up your own answers.

Home Base: NE Minneapolis

What I Did:
Most importantly, saw one of my dream shows go up under my direction and learned a LOT in the process. Additionally, I wrapped up box office work on the Theatre Mu show, began work Agnes Under the Big Top, restarted my personal blog, officially began writing for Jacks & Jills (details pending), went to my first casino (and didn’t lose any money), turned 25A, saw four plays in one weekend, saw a guy who’s like a baby brother to me turn 21, accidentally went on a date with someone who was engaged to a man, went to my first Oscar party, made a couple of really awesome new friends, obtained Alice in Wonderland posters.

Where I went:
Not the best month for travel, but I did hit up Hinckley, MN (my first casino trip!) for Jake’s birthday. Blackjack and hot tubs make for a wonderful little getaway.

Key Hangouts Around Home Base:
Jodie and Jordan’s house, Sam’s house, Wilde Roast CafĂ©, Lush, Maxwell’s; while I still hit up Uptown Minneapolis and Lowertown St. Paul quite a bit this month, I feel like I actually started owning that I live in the NE and work on the West Bank. As such, I hung out a little more there because I found things that were fun and had ambience and deals that I like.

Power Music :
Live: Vaudeville, Sick of Sarah
Albums/MP3s: The Pierces, The Beatles, The Swell Season, Grace Potter & the Nocturnals.

Most Loved Television:
Admittedly, two of them are major guilty pleasures; Pretty Little Liars and RuPaul’s Drag Race. But also, Modern Family and Portlandia. And Friends on DVD.

Best Movies I watched this month:
The DVD version of The Vagina Monologues; Stardust and Saved for the millionth time. Didn’t have much time to get out to the movie theaters. The Oscars did give me a nice fat list of things I know I need to see.

Best Theatrical Experiences of the Year:
My three-day, four-show blitz!; Opening (and then closing) one of the shows that means the absolute most to me.

Biggest Challenge of the Month (and how I overcame it):
There were a lot of problems on the administrative side of Gadfly this go ‘round, and I’m honestly not sure that I WAS able to overcome it for the current show. That being said, in a way I did ‘overcome’ it because I learned SO much in things going the way I did and honestly think that things will go really well for the next several shows.

Best Thing I Did for Myself:
Picked myself up by my bootstraps after falling off the junk food wagon; didn’t beat myself up when things didn’t go perfectly professionally ; resisted the temptation to fall back into negative dating patterns (and boy was there temptation).

Favorite thing I fed myself:
Veggie and brown rice stir-fry; lots of chai soy lattes, pumpkin pancake, chocolate covered strawberries from Godiva, Chardonnay, Blue Moon, lots of locally brewed beer.

Best Books I Read:
Dog Sees God (a play that Gadfly is doing next year), Last Summer at Bluefish Cove (another play that we will hopefully do...sometime)

Best Websites:
Fell majorly back in love with social networking after deleting several nuisances; A Softer World for my artsy AND dark humor fix; Jessica Mullen’s blog for general inspiration; Alicia Silverstone’s ‘The Kind Life’ which keeps me going when I don’t feel like sticking to my diet; Sassy Gay friend clips on YouTube and just for laughs.

Couldn’t Be Without:
My roommate; living in a theatre-rich area (with the exception of a small but still culturally rich beach or lake town), reading as escapism, smart actors who can really cut to the core of a character (this only relates to directing, of course), random road trips, my latest ex-roommates, a couple of my friends from Iowa, near-daily correspondence with Anne and Ginger (preferably both) as well as my sister, hummus, smoothies/smoothie juice.

Favorite News Stories (in Headline form):
Maryland passes gay marriage; Obama Drops Defense of DOMA; Gas Briefly Drops Below $3.50 a Gallon, Former McDonald’s CEO to Start New Vegetarian-Friendly Fast Food Chain.

And while I do not like the Minnesota threats to cut art funding, the federal threats to cut Planned Parenthood funding, or the earthquake in New Zealand, I DO love how so many wonderful people have rallied together in attemps to right these wrongs (or at least in New Zealand’s case, make them more bearable).

Quotes of the Month:
“I’ve enjoyed our chats lately. You’re an inspiring lady”
~Cassandra Rising

“If you’re the crazy snake man, we’re not having babies.”
~Maggie Becker (Gadfly grant writer)

“Art is not in the eye of the beholder, it is in the soul of the artist.”
~Seth Godin

“The beauty of art and music is that it can last forever if people want it too”
~The White Stripes upon their sudden break-up

“If we wake up in full-make-up, we’ll pain the town blue, because baby red so passĂ©”
~The Pierces

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday Thanks Part Trois.

So much to be thankful for this week! It's been a trying week, truly. A thirteen hour dry tech/tech rehearsal combo, some illness on my mind...lots going on that could've made me crazy. However, the world is so beautiful, and while there is still so much progress to be made in it, I am always pleasantly surprised by how great things can be. Here are some of the things I am most grateful for right now:

~Technicians willing to put in 13 hour days.

~Warm blankets in Midwest blizzard time.

~My business partner, also willing to put in 13 hour days on shows that aren't even his to run.

~Good queer literature and drama. I'm writing an entire essay about how terrible queer art is and how it's a factor in the poor image of gays everywhere...but there's also some really decent stuff out there that makes me want to bedeck myself from head to toe in rainbow flags and speak only in Tegan and Sara lyrics.

~Tax refunds! I haven't even gotten mine yet but it's going to be sweet. Wakarusa here I come!

~The ability to love myself, even if I fall off the dairy wagon or get cranky at someone.

~My cast, of course; and opening nights that go well.

~Friends and mentors willing to come from a couple of hours away to see my shows.

~Maryland (the birth state of yours truly) saying "yes" to gay marriage, and Obama saying "no" to supporting DOMA. Hellz, yes.

~The public library system. So many books. Only one me. I will take this as a challenge.

~A boss who works extra shifts for me so I can do other theatre.

~Running into my friend Jodie, receiving tons of chocolate-covered fruit from Godiva, being able to share with the cast. Not necessarily in that order, but the story wouldn't really make sense in a different order.

~Dollars, when I have them to spare. Which is never...but I am grateful for those rare instances.

~Pumpkin pancakes in February.

~Mimosas at night.

~The Minneapolis skyline, which has inspired multiple poems from me. Perhaps one day I will even post one! I've been to a lot of big cities, but something about that skyline calls to me, makes me feel home...

That should hold you guys over until next week! If there are ever things you can't relate too, please feel free to come up with your own list of things you're thankful for. You'll be glad you did, and so will I.

As always, wishing you peace, passion, and love.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hinckley, MN: Who Knew?

When my very good friend Jake turned 21 a couple of days ago, his mom decided to sponsor an overnight trip to Hinckley, MN for him and several of his friends. It was mostly for Grand Casino, which was an absolute blast! I'd never been to a casino before, and I'd certainly never gambled before. I'm very proud of myself because I didn't lose any money (I didn't have any to lose, so that was a very good thing), but I am a little embarrassed because at one point I was up by almost $200 and then...I just wasn't. Still, playing was so much that I didn't even care.

Casinos are also really bright and shiny, so I was happy to be there for a night. Overall, I am writing this because I was very pleasantly surprised by Hinckley as a road trip destination. I didn't really know what to expect, but I had an amazing time (and more importantly, so did Jake). In addition to the casino there was beer, there was a hot tub, we made friends with the dealer, and of course there was lots of laughter. It's a pretty happening little town, and the next time I need a daycation or overnight trip, I will happily keep it mind.

Friday, February 18, 2011

*Gathering Momentum* Worksheet, by Jessica Mullen

One of my favorite pro-bloggers (who actually created a wonderful career for herself as a 'Lifestreamer') is named Jessica Mullen. You can find her blog here, but for now allow me to introduce her "Gathering Momentum" worksheets. You download your own copy by signing up for her mailing list (which I recommend, her work is incredibly motivating and inspirational. And also, it's unethical to steal her worksheet without looking into her work a little), but here's a rough draft of what I've been working on!

10 things I’m grateful for:

1) Being able to run Gadfly without losing any money.
2) My roommate.
3) Being able to live in a big city with small town mentality (IE, lots to do but people are NICE).
4) My family.
5) My friends, stretched all over the planet.
6) How well things seem to be going for numbers 4 & 5.
7) The fact that I was even born into a comparatively easy life, where I can be out of the closet, speak my mind, love the people I love, etc. without fear of government or government-approved persecution. Our society in the States is not perfect, but it is a lot freer than a lot of other places, and it is always in the back of my mind that I am only this lucky by an accident of birth.
8) Modern technology that enables me to stay connected to those friends and family members all over the globe.
9) The fact that I am loved, for better or worse, by more than a handful of a wonderful people.
10) My own ability to stay positive, laugh off absurd negativity, and love as deeply as I do.

5 things I love:
1) The people in my life.
2) Theatre
3) Animals
4) Books, and time to read them.
5) Art, as a whole.

3 things I’m excited about:
1) My birthday party
2) The Children's Hour opening
3) Finalizing a season for Gadfly for 2012/2013

4 things inspiring me today:
1) The sudden change to springtime weather.
2) My roommate, the genius writer.
3) The following blogs: Jessica Mullen, Seth Godin, and from a photographer/artist's standpoint, A Softer World.
4) Various other theatre companies in the Twin Cities area.

Wouldn’t it be nice if:

Gay marriage were legalized, transgender hormone therapy and surgery were covered by more insurance companies, and in general everyone in the world were treated more humanely by individuals, companies, and the government?

Advice from my higher self:

Listen to me! I've never steered your wrong! Stop second guessing!

Today’s affirmations:

1) I am extremely capable of doing anything that I set my mind too.
2) I am loved, and more importantly, capable of loving very deeply.
3) Life is beautiful. So am I. So is everyone around me.

Today I intend to:
Work really hard, have a lot of fun, continue changing the world around me (even if it just means leading by example).

A Must See

When you make something no one hates, no one loves it.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness

This is another Thursday where I am left with abbreviated time to throw this post up, so I will jump right in to the things I am the most thankful for this week!

~The public library system. Otherwise my search for queer and feminist theatre would be at a complete and utter standstill.

~The time I have had working with Scott Artley at Mixed Blood. He's moving on as of Saturday (which happens to be my birthday; fail universe, fail) to really great things, but he will be missed by the West Bank community and Mixed Blood.

~My apartment. For some reason, this week I was inundated with thoughts of home and what home means...and I love my apartment so much (even if I do wish it was in Uptown)! Coming home to it at night feels exactly like it should.

~Days when the only mail in my inbox are birthday gifts.

~People who buy prints of my photos. (See if there's anything you like here)

~Living a life where sleeping until ten is totally fine.

~Tax returns! I don't have mine yet, but it looks pretty sweet judging from what Turbo Tax told me.

~My cat, Sebastian. Yes, I am that woman.

~My small but awesome blog following.

~Living so close to the Wilde Roast Cafe. It's like I'm actually settling into this being my place lately!

~The cast of The Children's Hour. Man they're awesome. We did two runs on Sunday, and it was better the second time without me even giving notes.

I guess these are the things I'm MOST grateful for this week, with the exception of a general "Everybody in my life." I've got some great people, seriously.

Until next time, I am wishing you peace, passion, and love.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring is in the Air!

At least, I hope it is. Check out this snapshot of Minneapolis that I took this afternoon! You can see the roads! And the lines on the roads! And even some...dare I say...grass!I just wanted to share my excitement, really. I love that it's in the late 40's. I just hope it keeps up. I will consider it nature's birthday present to me.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Four Plays in Three Days!

Sometimes I am so overwhelmed by the talent and kindness in Minneapolis, and how easelessly they seem to go hand-in-hand. This past weekend, I set out to cram as much theatre into one weekend as possible, and man did the universe deliver! It started when I got invited to an invited dress for Nimbus' latest production, thanks to a very good (and ridiculously talented) friend. It was a very well-performed production, and you can find out more about it here!

The next day, I went to go see 20% Theatre Company's production of Helen, and as usual, was very impressed with this company's work. I got a great deal on those tickets too, because I participated in this year's Free Night of Theatre.

Saturday was to be my final night, as I had rehearsal the next day for my own show, and tons to prepare for. I had scored free tickets to the Gonzo Theatre Group's (now closed) production of Sartre's No Exit, and since this show is a favorite of mine, I was very excited. They definitely did it justice, and I am glad I made it. Since I was already at the venue, I decided to stay and see Brazen Theatre's production of Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, which was everything I wanted from late night entertainment! Artistic Director of Brazen, Mark Hooker, was extremely gracious and kind (as he is every time I see him) and I snagged some white wine and mingled with the cast afterwards.

There is still SO much great theatre going on for the rest of the month, and there are about seven more shows I wish I could see. Still, I'm working Agnes Under the Big Top at Mixed Blood and then opening The Children's Hour, which I I have decided to declare February a theatrical success! If you ever have a chance to hit up that many shows in that little time, I definitely recommend it. I had a blast, and all of the theatre-hopping would have been fun even if the shows weren't as good as they were.

Wishing you all peace, passion, love, and lots and lots of theatre.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Birthday Time!

Well, almost. My birthday (for those who don't know) is February 19th. I'm turning 26, and I think I'm in an okay place to turn 26. I don't think I'm going to be nearly as hard on myself as I was upon turning 25. Listed below are the things I want the absolute very most. Some of them may not be doable by anyone reading this, but I still felt I should put it out there in the universe. If you can't buy me things, I don't care, just buy make sure you hang out with me, call me, etc! So here we go, in no particular order:

A) A ticket to the Wakarusa Festival in June as well as some spending money that I will promise to earmark to chip in for camping/gas/etc. as well as my own food and beverage needs. A ticket for a friend as well would be even more amazing.
B) An aesthetically appealing camera bag. I've only found a couple that are big enough for my camera and don't look super man-ish.
C) A computer bag (there are some on my Amazon list).
D) A 32 MB SD card for my camera. The mother of all SD cards (I will settle for anything 8 or above).
E) Dresses, shoes, leggings and cardigans. But don't make fun of me for wanting these things, I can still kick your tail.
F) Lots of queer plays, queer theatre anthologies, feminist plays, etc.
G) Film for my 35 MM camera. Regular and black and white.
H) Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Diet.
I) Daria on DVD
J) Seasons 6 and 7 of Buffy on DVD
K) The shower curtain on my amazon list (search 'Katy A. Snow').
L) Gift cards to vegan friendly grocery stores (I prefer Trader Joe's, but wherever) and restaurants (I have a list of local ones if need be)
N) Gift cards to my other favorite stores, theatres, concert places, etc. (Again, list can be provided if need be)
M) All-expenses paid trips places. For me and a guest.
N) People to come visit me!
O) Wine.
P) Bus dollars. (
Q) Donations to Gadfly!

Obviously, I'm not expecting all of this, but if anyone doesn't know what to get me, again, these are the things that I want the very most in all the land. As mentioned, I also have an wishlist with lots o' ideas. Just look for "Katy A. Snow".

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Company You Keep

After years and years of being a pushover, of being accused of loving everybody I meet too much, of needing attention so much that I'll befriend anyone, I am finally learning to be more judicious with those I actually keep in my circle of friends. What I have learned is that there is a certain way that you feel if you've been with a true friend or a real kindred spirit. You don't just feel amused or silly (although that can be a part of it), and you absolutely do not feel empty, bored, or annoyed. If you are hanging out with the people that you should, after both the briefest encounter or a splendidly endless night, you should feel substantiated, full, and loved. In short, you should feel like you did something for yourself by being with these people.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday Thankfulness

Lots of blogs, including my old one, include a "Things I Love" meme that goes up weekly. I want to start putting a little spin on it, that goes beyond expressing love or appreciation and instead expresses the utmost gratitude and thankfulness that certain people, things, idea, etc. exist. My first one will be fairly short and simple, because I spent so much time sick this week I didn't really get out into the world a lot. This week I am most grateful for:

The vintage "Alice in Wonderland" posters my roommate randomly brought home one day.

Living in an apartment that allows me to have a cat.

The days I've gotten to spend drinking coffee and reading queer plays; and the opportunity I have to call it my job.

Beautiful things happening in my sister's life.

Having a roommate who's willing to keep me company on a Saturday night that I'm too sick to go out for.

Electric blankets.

Ceylon tea (I swear this is my last 'sick' thing!)

Guilty pleasure television shows (right now I'm all about 'Pretty Little Liars' and 'RuPaul's Drag Race').

Early birthday presents that I wasn't expecting (and the friends who sent them).

Getting invitations to Invited Dress performances of shows by super cute actors that I've worked with before.

Living in a city where veganism is possible and encouraged, running a theatre company is well received, and being gay is perfectly normal.

So, as promised this was (fairly) short and sweet. Take some time to ruminate over what's made you the happiest this week.

Peace, passion, and love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Children's Hour

This is our poster for Lillian Hellman's The Children Hour, designed by Sam Pleggenkuhle. I mostly wanted to advertise the show coming up, and just love the poster. Sam took my original idea and ran with it, and I am so glad! It looks and feels perfect.

When Immanuel and myself where deciding on our first season, The Children's Hour was one of the first shows I thought of, and I couldn't let the idea go. The show has meant a great deal to me ever since I read it as a scared, closeted freshman in college. I identified so much with Martha's character, and while I would never take the tragic path she takes in the play I could easily see where she was coming from. As I've come out slowly but surely over the years, and even throughout the research and rehearsal process for this production, this play has come to mean even more to me. Not only is it emotionally moving, not only does it expertly pinpoint what bigotry looks and sounds like (and my favorite thing is that it's not just homophobia featured. We see elements of a class war as well as a new-wave feminism versus old-fashioned values) but it was groundbreaking for GLBT persons of it's time. Homosexuality, when this show hit the stage, was illegal to portray in the theatre, in movies, etc. Somehow Hellman convinced the producers to put it on anyway and it was such a huge hit that the state of New York just overlooked the law. So the piece was essentially the first play to feature homosexual themes on stage! That's huge.

I did decide to set the production present day to showcase too things: 1) How far we've come in the struggle to even be recognized. In present day, the show takes a slightly different tone; not all of the characters are homophobic, not all of the "bad" characters are trying to be so, and this all happens without changing a word of the script. 2) How far we still have yet to go. The show should be a grim reminder that there's still a lot of work to do, still a lot of hearts to change, still a lot of ground to cover. There are positive things happening; we see women coming into their own, we see that present-day liberal schoolteachers are probably fine with (at least other people) being gay...but we ultimately see how tragic it is when people are not allowed to fully come into their own or be themselves.

So, now that you're interest is nice and piqued here's the skinny if you're interested in tickets:

It's directed by yours truly, produced by that kick-ass business partner of mine. In case you can't read the smaller print, the show takes place February 24th through 26th at 7:30 P.M. and February 27th at 3:00 P.M. Tickets are only $15 for adults, $12 for students, seniors or Fringe button holders. Student ID's and Fringe buttons must be presented for discounts to apply. Saturday's performance is a pay-what-you-can performance. To reserve tickets (which is highly recommended as this is a limited-run engagement), please e-mail

For group sales (which may be eligible for further discounts), e-mail Immanuel Elliott at

There is also a special performance to benefit to benefit MNCAAN on Saturday the 26th at noon. You can purchase tickets for this special performance here.

Hope to see you at the show!

Peace, passion, and love.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Guess Who's Back?

I had a lot of trouble maintaining this blog the first, second, and fifth time but I really wanted to give it another go. I think my problem before was that I was too scattered, too unsure, and taking too much well-intentioned advice from everyone and their brother. I've decided to try again and just see what happens. No pressure, with my own vision (or lack thereof) taking precedence.

I have another blog that chronicles only my current transformation to veganism. So, for non-foodies, never fear, recipes and thoughts on food will almost never be featured on this blog. For foodies, please check out my other blog if you're interested.

So, just to recollect myself, here is a reminder of who I am/what I do/other information that may determine what gets posted. I am (in no particular order):

  • First and foremost, the proud half/owner of Gadfly Theatre Productions. We are a company primarily concerned with giving a voice to the voiceless with a focus in queer and feminist theatre.
  • A theatre and film director.
  • An occasional thespian.
  • A freelance photographer/mixed medium artist.
  • A loving and devoted friend, roommate, sister, daughter, granddaughter, etc.
  • A tarot card reader interested in learning more forms of divination.
  • A writer (currently a columnist for a new queer-centric social networking site that's about to be huge, working on a play to open Gadfly's 2012/2013 season, and working on a lesbian faerie tale about...faeries.)
  • An avid reader, theatre goer, movie buff, and yes, occasional television fiend.
  • An out and proud lesbian.
  • A freak for anything vintage (especially 1960's era).
  • A lover of travel and new experiences.
  • Endearingly awkward in certain dating or social scenarios.
  • Working on becoming vegan (although that's already been stated).
  • Extremely passionate.
  • Assistant Box Office Manager at Mixed Blood Theater, a wonderful company devoted to cultural pluralism.
  • A very happy inhabitant of the Twin Cities, MN.
  • In love with life.
  • Living with PCOS and Rheumatoid Arthritis (although since going vegan, the latter at least has not been nearly as bad) but grateful that I don't have it worse.
  • Very easily amused.
I (think) this about covers the scope of things; pretty broad, but as one life coach informed me I am a 'renaissance soul, and feel incomplete without a lot going on'. I'm learning that the trick is being okay with that and settling in for a life of unexpected trials and pleasures; but you know what? I wouldn't really have it any other way.

I may be de-anonymizing for the heck of it and deleting some old passages. We'll see.