Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking Time for Yourself 101

I write a lot about taking time for yourself, something I've had to train myself to do. One of the best ways to get used to "you time" is making sure that you have a morning and an evening health and hygiene routine, regardless of what's going on in your life that day. I am not a morning person at all, so my nighttime routine is even more important as I tend to skimp on hectic mornings. Once I know I'm settled for the night there's a set of things I do. I condition my hair, I wash my face, I drink green tea and then brush my teeth. I take any vitamin supplements that I feel I need for the day (it changes based on what I ate. I only use the Omega 3 supplement if I don't feel I had enough healthy fat, only take the multi-vitamin if I barely had food, etc.)Do what you need to do to feel beautiful and (more importantly) healthy the next morning. Some evening yoga/stretching/meditation never hurts either. Sometimes I stay up for hours afterwards, sometimes it's the last thing I do. It changes...I recently added moisturizer every other night, sometimes I snack. Sometimes I exfoliate all over.

The important thing when working on your evening regime is that you shouldn't be multi-tasking while you do it (unless 'multi-tasking' means reading for pleasure, or catching up with your favorite show, or noshing on healthy but yummy snacks with your roommate), it should be every night, and the basis of it should be on what makes YOU feel good, healthy, the moment and the next day.

Wishing you each peace, passion, and love.

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