This spring, without even realizing it I realized I'd shifted away from a 'cleaning' phase and ended up focusing on improving my living and sacred spaces. Yes, to some extent this involves 'cleaning' and purging lots and lots of extra things. We're really frickin' spoiled here. I realized one day that I don't need two couches. Yup. Two. Couches. Stupid. So I'm ditching one. I'm also ditching clothes I've shrunk out of, books I didn't love, and all of the things that generally no longer appeal/are useful/are in usable shape. Yet the focus this spring hasn't been on the purging. It's been on an apartment wide streamline and upgrade. I'm getting a bigger bed, more bookshelves, and everything I'm getting rid of is intended to improve, and not just cleanse my life. As much as I love purging (I've written entire blog entries about it), upgrading feels even better in away. You're not depriving yourself of anything as overpurging can do, you are making substantial improvements in your home.
While the things I've been thinking about and talking about are tangible material things, I think that this train of thought could apply elsewhere. As I ALWAYS tell you and firmly believe, if you are unhappy with your group of friends/job/book club/significant other/etc. then you should ditch them and move on. Instead of just ditching them though, I think you're ultimate goal should not only be to rid yourself of the dead weight but to find something that's...well, an upgrade. A more fulfilling job. A significant other who's going to love you as much as you love yourself. Friends who interest you and are there for you. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Spring cleaning is a very important process and one I have always enjoyed. I just think it can be limiting or leave a feeling of 'what's next?' if you've cleaned and cleaned and have nothing left to clean. Instead of feeling relieved you might feel empty. It happens to the best of us, and if you've reached this point, it's time to upgrade to things that bring peace, evoke passion, and that you love.
P.S. Here's a picture that I want to get a tattoo based on. It represents the next photo challenge "Something You Want to Do In Your Life." I choose: get this tattoo, which is really personal to me...and still cute.
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