So much to be thankful for this week! It's been a trying week, truly. A thirteen hour dry tech/tech rehearsal combo, some illness on my mind...lots going on that could've made me crazy. However, the world is so beautiful, and while there is still so much progress to be made in it, I am always pleasantly surprised by how great things can be. Here are some of the things I am most grateful for right now:
~Technicians willing to put in 13 hour days.
~Warm blankets in Midwest blizzard time.
~My business partner, also willing to put in 13 hour days on shows that aren't even his to run.
~Good queer literature and drama. I'm writing an entire essay about how terrible queer art is and how it's a factor in the poor image of gays everywhere...but there's also some really decent stuff out there that makes me want to bedeck myself from head to toe in rainbow flags and speak only in Tegan and Sara lyrics.
~Tax refunds! I haven't even gotten mine yet but it's going to be sweet. Wakarusa here I come!
~The ability to love myself, even if I fall off the dairy wagon or get cranky at someone.
~My cast, of course; and opening nights that go well.
~Friends and mentors willing to come from a couple of hours away to see my shows.
~Maryland (the birth state of yours truly) saying "yes" to gay marriage, and Obama saying "no" to supporting DOMA. Hellz, yes.
~The public library system. So many books. Only one me. I will take this as a challenge.
~A boss who works extra shifts for me so I can do other theatre.
~Running into my friend Jodie, receiving tons of chocolate-covered fruit from Godiva, being able to share with the cast. Not necessarily in that order, but the story wouldn't really make sense in a different order.
~Dollars, when I have them to spare. Which is never...but I am grateful for those rare instances.
~Pumpkin pancakes in February.
~Mimosas at night.
~The Minneapolis skyline, which has inspired multiple poems from me. Perhaps one day I will even post one! I've been to a lot of big cities, but something about that skyline calls to me, makes me feel home...
That should hold you guys over until next week! If there are ever things you can't relate too, please feel free to come up with your own list of things you're thankful for. You'll be glad you did, and so will I.
As always, wishing you peace, passion, and love.
I really need to start doing lists like this. I have been so angry and bitter and depressed lately and reading things like this make me feel exponentially better. Joy is contagious. Thank you for spreading it. As always, I am thankful for people like you.