One of my favorite pro-bloggers (who actually created a wonderful career for herself as a 'Lifestreamer') is named Jessica Mullen. You can find her blog here, but for now allow me to introduce her "Gathering Momentum" worksheets. You download your own copy by signing up for her mailing list (which I recommend, her work is incredibly motivating and inspirational. And also, it's unethical to steal her worksheet without looking into her work a little), but here's a rough draft of what I've been working on!
10 things I’m grateful for:
1) Being able to run Gadfly without losing any money.
2) My roommate.
3) Being able to live in a big city with small town mentality (IE, lots to do but people are NICE).
4) My family.
5) My friends, stretched all over the planet.
6) How well things seem to be going for numbers 4 & 5.
7) The fact that I was even born into a comparatively easy life, where I can be out of the closet, speak my mind, love the people I love, etc. without fear of government or government-approved persecution. Our society in the States is not perfect, but it is a lot freer than a lot of other places, and it is always in the back of my mind that I am only this lucky by an accident of birth.
8) Modern technology that enables me to stay connected to those friends and family members all over the globe.
9) The fact that I am loved, for better or worse, by more than a handful of a wonderful people.
10) My own ability to stay positive, laugh off absurd negativity, and love as deeply as I do.
5 things I love:
1) The people in my life.
2) Theatre
3) Animals
4) Books, and time to read them.
5) Art, as a whole.
3 things I’m excited about:
1) My birthday party
2) The Children's Hour opening
3) Finalizing a season for Gadfly for 2012/2013
4 things inspiring me today:
1) The sudden change to springtime weather.
2) My roommate, the genius writer.
3) The following blogs: Jessica Mullen, Seth Godin, and from a photographer/artist's standpoint, A Softer World.
4) Various other theatre companies in the Twin Cities area.
Wouldn’t it be nice if:
Gay marriage were legalized, transgender hormone therapy and surgery were covered by more insurance companies, and in general everyone in the world were treated more humanely by individuals, companies, and the government?
Advice from my higher self:
Listen to me! I've never steered your wrong! Stop second guessing!
Today’s affirmations:
1) I am extremely capable of doing anything that I set my mind too.
2) I am loved, and more importantly, capable of loving very deeply.
3) Life is beautiful. So am I. So is everyone around me.
Today I intend to:
Work really hard, have a lot of fun, continue changing the world around me (even if it just means leading by example).
Thanks for the recommendation. I need to do these, too. Just reading yours made me feel better. Hooray for positivity!